CTMA Project #: 140811

Problem: SORT in its current spiral exists in 2 forms: As a web-based portal hosted at the NATO Support Agency (NSPA), and as dSORT (disconnected SORT), a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product capable of being hosted on the internet as well as in a closed network. Due to funding limitations, SORT functionality has fallen behind commercial upgrades incorporated into dSORT which added functionality and addressed shortfalls identified during employment in exercises and user evaluations.


  • Financial – Integrating SORT as part of the operational planning process in advance of the deployment can reduce the need for redundant niche logistics supplies or equipment, or even provide for combined logistics operations which reduce the need for entire units to deploy. This reduction in deployed footprint not only reduces the requirement for strategic lift, but also sustainment costs for deployed forces, such as life support, hazardous duty pay, etc. Additionally, the financial reconciliation module within SORT provides for accurate accounting of items and services provided for reconciliation and audit.
  • Improved Logistics OperationsThe benefit of having visibility and access to coalition parts, supplies, and logistics services in a deployed environment as a backup to organic resources can improve the speed and flexibility to which U.S. Forces support sustained operations. The ability to which these are leveraged as part of a conscious effort to integrate coalition logistics capabilities into a combined force can enhance the integration of these forces and spur the formulation of a Task Force with coalition offerings of capability slices that do not have the organic ability for deployed sustainment.

Solution/Approach: Phase II of this CTMA project will focus on developing and demonstrating improved SORT capabilities to support both its use as an operational planning and execution tool for sharing maintenance and other logistics resources, as well as to enhance its ability to support advertising and initiation of the FMS process. Project team will develop a SORT Enhancement Roadmap (Nexus LCM lead) in close coordination with Government participants to incorporate functions needed to support use in the following scenarios:

  • Joint Maintenance by U.S. Forces in a garrison or deployed environment.
  • Automation of Acquisition and Cross Serving Agreement (ACSA) and Host Nation Support (NS) functions for U.S. Forces in an exercise or contingency operation.
  • Use of dSORT with SORT for use in the planning phases of operations and exercises.
  • Use of SORT as a means to advertise and initiate the FMS process for excess U.S. materiel and supplies.
  • U.S. Inter-Agency use of SORT to manage, account and support financial reconciliation for exchanges of OCONUS logistics support.
  • Update and publish the SORT User Guide as well as any other technical and reference materials to align with the enhancements that are deployed to the SORT production environment as part of the 2015 program of work.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improved weapon system readiness, availability, flexibility, global visibility and tracking
  • Class IX inventory reductions by enabling mutual multinational logistics support during coalition operations
  • Reduced deployed footprint
  • Reduction of supply and maintenance response times
  • Automation of existing Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement processes
  • Reduction of costly expedited materials shipments from outside of theater
  • Efficient redistribution of assets during turnover, drawdown and redeployment
  • Automation of financial bookkeeping, reconciliation and receipts

DOD Participation:

  • OSD
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Exports and Cooperation
  • Joint Staff J4 Maintenance
  • U.S. Marine Corps Installations and Logistics
  • NATO Support Agency

Industry Participation:

  • Nexus LCM, LLC
  • Troika Solutions, LLC
  • GE
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

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