Fairwinds Technologies

Fairwinds Technologies was founded with the goal to bring the latest in commercial technologies to the military. Communication systems are a critical component of missions both in the U.S. and abroad. But developing and maintaining these systems has become increasingly complex, especially as needs shift and new technologies arise.  
Fairwinds Technologies uses our experience and know-how to tackle these challenges by designing, implementing and integrating solutions through a combination of professional services and our own proprietary products. While communications systems can be complex, we strive for one simple goal; keeping our end users reliably connected, no matter what.  
Our mission: Solve complex communication challenges for our customers by designing and delivering mission-ready solutions that keep the end users reliably connected through the most demanding conditions and harshest environments.  


PtMPLiFi – Free Space Optic Broadband Communications


Traditional LOS broadband solutions are heavy and cumbersome roll-on/roll-off kits requiring robust logistical support, require technical knowledge to configure, and rely on RF, which requires continuous spectrum deconfliction and coordination in order to use and is susceptible to interference, detection, and jamming. 

Technology Solution:

  • PtMP LiFi will create virtual camouflage/concealment for SOF & Partners.  
  • Using IR Light to communicate using WiFi lessons learned, LiFi has no RF signature, instant setup, low power consumption, & reduces logistical burden with extreme low SWaP.  
  • High speed PtMP signal is confined where operators want it; directed footprint does not pass through walls or UV/IR protected windows.  
  • Based on Ethernet, Type 1 Encryption from end device through network  
  • Hoteling Concept – PtMP is used to backhaul end users to remote RF equipment. Local access is LiFi AP or direct ethernet connection.  


  • Using IR Light to communicate using WiFi lessons learned, LiFi has no RF signature, instant setup, low power consumption, & reduces logistical burden with extreme low SWaP.  
  • High speed PtMP signal is confined where operators want it; directed footprint does not pass through walls or UV/IR protected windows.  
  • Based on Ethernet, Type 1 Encryption from end device through network
