AMMP Membership

Please contact Pam Hurt, Director, Membership & Communications, at with any AMMP membership questions

The Army Research Lab (ARL) in partnership with the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) invites you to become a member of NCMS and participate in the Advanced Manufacturing Materials and Processes (AMMP) strategic interest group (SIG). As a member, you will have the potential opportunity to participate in projects awarded to the ARL Cooperative Agreement aligned with NCMS’ Collaborative level membership providing you extra benefits to your membership. This membership will include the ARL Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) when it becomes fully executed.

NCMS is proud to work with ARL and the AMMP member companies to advance and enable additive manufacturing to create next generation manufacturing breakthroughs. Our focus is to enable the US industrial base with:

  • Unprecedented speed in part production
  • Novel weapon system designs and materials
  • Dramatic cuts in cost and delivery times
  • Point-of-need part manufacturing

In this package is the NCMS AMMP Collaborative level membership application for your consideration. Please complete, sign and return the application at your earliest convenience. Note – the 300-500-word Capabilities Statement and high-resolution logo must be submitted separately. Once the complete application packet is received, it will be processed by the NCMS Membership team, sent to the NCMS Finance team for invoicing, and passed along to the NCMS Board of Directors and Staff for approval. This process takes 10 business days. Once complete, NCMS will send a “Welcome to AMMP” email and offer a brief onboarding session with the NCMS staff to clarify goals and expectations as well as answer any potential questions.

Annual dues for AMMP

  • Academia – $1,000
  • Companies less than $50M = $5,000
  • Companies more than $51M = $10,000

AMMP Member Benefits:

  • Intellectual Property & Non-Disclosure Agreement Protection
  • Unique NCMS, non-FAR based, DoD/Industry collaborations:
    • ARL Projects formed under the ARL CA
    • ARL Projects formed under the OTA
    • ManTech Projects formed under the ARL CA
  • Accelerated contracting
  • Defense Contracting and Auditing Agency (DCAA)-compliant accounting
  • Professional, experienced project management for AMMP projects
  • Invitation to annual AMMP member meeting/technology conference
  • Priority communications for Technology Calls
  • Extensive outreach promoting completed projects/technologies
  • Access to established NCMS federal partner relationships
  • Active cross-pollination of ideas and programs between government and industry
  • Leverage industry innovation and investment through collaborative projects
  • Opportunity to join with other companies in collaborative projects
  • Access to AMMP Member Directory with company descriptions and employee contacts
  • Discounts on NCMS-sponsored symposiums, workshops, conferences and technology showcases
  • Enrolled in NCMS Emails, including new project announcements, sources sought, opportunities