CTMA Project #: 141073

Problem: In the aviation industry, two critical areas driving a successful enterprise are aircraft availability and the overall life cycle cost of the fleet.  New aircraft models and new technologies must be incorporated into existing fleets of aging aircraft, yet maintenance and sustainment activities are tasked to ensure maximum “on-wing” time while improving efficiencies and reducing costs.  To ensure its long-term viability against future global exigencies, technology challenges, and financial risk, the F-35 Program is modernizing its production and sustainment approach to ensure it is able to maintain and modernize the Air System through its entire life cycle.   

Benefit: Results will serve as a model for the commercial aviation industry and will assist in the planning and execution of an optimized readiness and affordability value chain, which will ultimately help support a healthy American economy through maintenance and sustainment efficiencies, workforce technical advancements and alignment, and continued job growth in the industry.

Solution/Approach: Phase I was successful in documenting current practices and highlighting areas where software systems would provide enhancement in the future.  Phase II will develop and demonstrate software solutions to optimize methodologies incorporating a technical analysis of F-35 functional requirements and developing the architecture that will provide visibility of F-35 assets in repair at each Depot location.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Provides leadership-level, impactful and actionable strategic analysis and planning processes
  • Increases safety, reliability and efficiencies
  • Optimizes worldwide operations
  • Reduces overall sustainment costs
  • Ensures warfighter readiness

DOD Participation:

  • HQMC C4
  • HQMC I&L
  • Deputy Commandant, Information

Industry Participation:

  • F-35 JPO
  • U.S. Navy (observer)
  • U.S. Air Force (observer)
  • U.S. Marine Corps (observer)
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Safety
  • Maintenance management improvement

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

Final Report