CTMA Project #: 140843

Problem: A proof-of-concept was demonstrated in an earlier CTMA initiative, called AMEFDIT (Advanced Mobile Electrical Fault Detection and Isolation Tester) was completed in 2014. In that project, a precursor to the current AMUET system was successfully demonstrated on the C130 fuel quantity sensor system and anti-skid braking system. An abbreviated BCA was completed that showed AMUET could achieve significant benefits (qualitative and quantitative) over conventional ATE.

Additional funding for AMUET was provided by OSD FCT (Foreign Competitive Testing) Office in 2015 to expand testing across multiple aircraft platforms and to complete a more extensive BCA quantifying AMUET benefits over conventional ATE (typically used in maintenance facilities if available) and handheld meters typically used in remote locations by qualified electricians. A requirement to obtain full Cyber Security approval was added and proved to be beyond the scope of work for the AMUET Phase I project.

Benefit: It is expected that the project will demonstrate that AMUET can be a valuable, cost effective wiring/electrical systems analysis tool as an alternative to conventional ATE and handheld meters typically used at the Operational- (O) level. The results from this phase are expected to be shared with current and new industry users of AMUET so that they understand the full capabilities of AMUET as well as assure that potential Cyber Security issues have been addressed leveraging this work for the overall public good.

Solution/Approach: The objective of AMUET Phase II is twofold:

  • Complete the Cyber Security approval process (which is beyond the scope of AMUET Phase I) and to publish Cyber Security lessons learned for future CTMA program reference.
  • Complete AMUET testing and related BCAs for up to three aircraft, C5, C130 and CV22 and up to two electrical subsystems per aircraft

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Decreased lifecycle sustainment costs
  • Improved readiness
  • Safer air travel

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Air Force (Warner Robins)
  • U.S. Air Force (Hurlbert AFB)
  • U.S. Navy (NAVAIR Lakehurst)

Industry Participation:

  • MERC
  • Solavitek
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Maintenance avoidance and reliability
  • Safety
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Enhanced inspection

Final Report