CTMA Project #: 140449

Problem: The Department of Defense (DoD) owns, operates and maintains thousands of industrial fleet vehicles, performing a wide range of critical support tasks. Despite myriad of major service sponsored maintenance initiatives focused on improving maintenance automation and readiness for tactical vehicle fleets, aircraft vessels and combat vehicles, very little has changed regarding the business process associated with maintaining, managing and improving operational readiness of the industrial vehicle fleet.

Benefit: Total projected savings for the entire fleet are estimated to be from $4,920 – 46,760 per vehicle per year or $738,000 – $1,014,000 per year (based on the fleet size of 150 vehicles).

SolutionApproach: This project will develop a variation from a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless fleet management hardware and software solution, termed the Centralized Fleet Automated Management System (CFAMS). The version proposed will be evaluated and tested at the RRAD and will feature FIPS 140-2 compliant Wi-Fi based Vehicle Asset Communicators that allow the system to operate on the Army’s separately installed wireless network backbone.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Reduce vehicle maintenance costs
  • Increase operator productivity
  • Decrease damage to vehicles
  • Increase in fleet operation readiness/availability

DoD Participation:

  • U.S. Army (Red River)
  • U.S. Army (Anniston)
  • U.S. Army (Rock Island Arsenal)
  • U.S. Marines (Albany)

Industry Participation:

  • I.D. Systems, Inc.
  • NCMS


  • Cost savings
  • Maintenance management improvement

Final Report