CMS Project #: 140932

Problem: As the United States transitions to lightweight materials for industrial applications (reducing weight in order to improve performance, lower cost, and limit the amount of fuel used), a need has arisen to employ non-traditional joining methods. This need arises because new lightweight materials, like aluminum, composites, and magnesium alloys cannot be fastened in the same way as traditional metals. The world is transitioning from bolts and welds to adhesives and joints, whether the application is commercial or military.

Benefit: The tensile properties of Group 1 adhesives will provide a more reliable bond in crash or other disruptive situations than adhesives with lower elongation performance. The low cure nature of the Group 1 adhesive will enable it to be used with a wider range of lightweight materials such as composites or heat-sensitive aluminum alloys, and in more situations where high temperature ovens are not available.

Solution/Approach: In Phase I of this program, the team focused on addressing the current material management issue with adhesive joints and sealants: the ability to repair and maintain adhesive-intensive joints in a depot setting using spec-compliant products. This included making a survey of existing materials used in the depot setting vs. those specified, identifying the gaps between specification and current needs, and publicizing a list of obsoleted materials.

In Phase II of this program, the focus shifts to adhesive and sealant development activities as planned to close the gaps identified in the survey. Specifically, the project team will develop high-strength, high-elongation adhesives (Group 1) with low-temperature cure.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improved strength and blast performance
  • Reduced weight
  • Increased safety
  • Increased ease of repairs
  • Improved readiness

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Army TARDEC – Material, Environment and Corrosion
  • ARL

Industry Participation:

  • PPG Industries, Inc.
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Maintenance management improvement

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

Final Report