CTMA Project #: 142126

Problem: In some countries, the availability of aircraft is imperative because it is the only means of receiving medical supplies, goods, mail, visitors, humanitarian aid, and other important activities. But in these rural environments, engine erosion and corrosion and other adverse circumstances can occur at a high rate, thus causing aircraft failure and delayed or canceled operations.  Increased maintenance costs in harsh, austere environments also effects Department of Defense (DOD) military engines operating in these areas.

Benefit: Coating technology improvements that prevent premature blade degradation has the potential to substantially improve operational readiness, and lower maintenance and sustainment costs, for aircraft fleets and other equipment that is deployed in harsh, sandy environments.  

Solution/Approach: Module level demonstration coating processes with spray trials and evaluations meeting engineering class quality requirements were validated during Phase I.  Phase II will expand upon the successes of the first phase test application processes by expanding simulations that emulate real-world coating challenges, including dust type/concentration, test duration, hardware viewing intervals, and hardware swap intervals.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improve warfighter readiness 
  • Decrease maintenance and sustainment costs 
  • Increase safety 
  • Validate coating development strategy 

DOD Participation:


Industry Participation:

  • General Electric
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Maintenance avoidance and reliability
  • Safety
  • Improved readiness
  • Energy efficiency
  • Durability
  • Reliability improvement

Focus Area:

  • Coatings and corrosion prevention

Final Report