CTMA Project #: 140711

Problem: Current capability requirements documents are dated and do not reflect future operational demands anticipated by operating forces in the “new normal” as defined for the post OEF Marine Corps.  GCSS-MC capabilities were originally defined in the GCSS-MC Operational Requirements Document (ORD) dating from 2003.  The Block I Capability Development Document (CDD) and Capability Production Document (CPD), and the Future increments CDD all build from the requirements established in the original ORD.  Additional application and system capabilities and linkages are added and defined in the Sense and Respond Logistics Initial Capability Document (ICD) and DRAFT Logistics IT Portfolio Information System, Initial Capabilities Document (IS ICD).  Additional transactional capabilities were defined in multiple Universal Needs Statements (UNS) for the Marine Logistics Support System (MLS2) and other logistics information technology (IT) capabilities.  The requirements documents require significant review, updating, and integration; the UNS capabilities must all be evaluated for relevancy and either integration into current programs or development as separate program of record.

Capabilities must be assessed for critical linkages and reliance.  Current prioritization of capability development does not reflect a reliance on a later developmental priority.  As a result, the ability to successfully achieve the top priority may be delayed while waiting to achieve a lower priority capability.  In a non-fiscally constrained environment the program office can work multiple priorities in parallel.  In the current fiscally constrained environment it is essential to link reliant capabilities and develop cost optimization to ensure capabilities are fully functional and delivered in a timely manner.

Benefit: The repeatable, testable, and defendable analysis benefits the war fighter, DoD and industry at a time when DoD budgets are shrinking, but the need for essential tools is not.  DoD will derive additional benefits from this effort through the facilitation of practical investment decisions, cost documentation, and efficiencies, and will improve force readiness and ground equipment performance in line with DoD imperatives.  This initiative will also reduce Service-level risk associated with the mix of forces, logistics information system enablers, and ensure the ultimate solutions are attainable within fiscal constraints.

Solution/Approach: This initiative will provide a refined identification and prioritization of logistics capabilities, applications, and systems in order to effectively and efficiently develop decision recommendations for future GCSS-MC capability integration against budget adjustments and resourcing alignment.  This will be done in four (4) primary phases:

  • Capabilities vetting & modification with GCSS-MC enterprise stakeholders
  • Grouping of systems into packages of dependencies and precursors
  • Prioritization of applications/systems to develop utility values
  • Alignment of cost against prioritization in order to develop an optimization curve to influence future resourcing.

Impact on Warfighter: This initiative will improve delivery of a solution that ultimately improves supply chain visibility, accountability, and accuracy within DoD through improvements in data collection, development, and utilization of the shared data environment, and increased accuracy in logistics accounting records.

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Marine Corps, CIO
  • U.S. Marine Corps PM Office
  • U.S. Marine Corps, I&L

Industry Participation:

  • Whitney, Bradley and Brown, Inc.
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Costs savings
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

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