CTMA Project #: 140403
Problem: Building on results of Phase I, fabricate and test advanced tooling for hard chrome plating for additional selected parts critical at CCAD and measure benefits.
Benefit: Improve quality and efficiency of the plating process; increase throughput; decrease turnaround time.
- Design of anodes/racks for an additional seven critical parts commonly plated at CCAD, including parts made of high nickel alloy steel.
- Design and implement a generic anode/rack system that can be used to plate a range of critical parts, which are less frequently plated (customized tooling is less likely to be cost-effective for low volume parts).
Impact on Warfighter: Return equipment needing repair or maintenance to service more rapidly.
DOD Participation:
- U.S. Army (Corpus Christi)
Industry Participation:
- Advanced Tooling Corporation