CTMA Project #: 140806

Problem: Maintaining materiel readiness under the current and enduring fiscal environment requires maintenance organizations to leverage all available opportunities to reduce redundant or unnecessary costs and processes. Significant cost in terms of transport, sustainment, support and redeployment is incurred by the different stakeholders without consideration of the economies of scale possible through common logistics solutions. Operating independently in today’s economy is unsustainable. Throughout the logistics chain, cost effective solutions are challenged by the idea that each component has to have all their own resources to accomplish the mission. This perspective guarantees the continued spiral of expense, unnecessary redundancy, and excess will continue to exist. In an era of limited resources and extreme competition for business, leveraging common capabilities to support operations must be a common goal.

Benefit: Today, businesses are precluded from participating in the sustainment of weapons systems due to their inability to easily share repair and maintenance data concerning their products. Post this initiative, translators, operating concepts, business case frameworks, and experiences will exist that can, when properly applied, alleviate this dilemma.

By developing data exchange flows and integrating back-end systems, the DoD can begin to leverage the inherent benefits of mutual sustainment activities and achieve sustainment cost reduction across the Joint Force.

Solution/Approach: This initiative will develop a joint concept of operations (CONOPS) for sharing logistics information across a coalition enterprise in a secured cloud-enabled environment and demonstrate the capability to transmit, receive and manipulate this information between a minimum of two-separate maintenance organizations in a logistics exercise that simulates operational conditions. Along with the CONOPS, this initiative will establish agreed to business rules for publishing and subscribing information, continuing the identification and mapping of data using ISO 10303 application protocol 239 (PCLS) and methods for developing decision quality information across the coalition maintenance enterprise.

This CTMA initiative will focus on the work to address Joint Logistics Interoperability CONOPS and an expansion of capabilities that not only will be available to commercial industry but will further offer Joint Forces the ability to pool and share resources as well as associated maintenance and repair data.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improve communication
  • Improve logistics support to operations
  • Reduce sustainment costs

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters I&L
  • U.S. Air Force VEMSO
  • Joint Staff J4

Industry Participation:

  • Nexus
  • Portland Tacoma Consulting, LLC
  • Troika Solutions
  • Rhino Technology
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Positive environmental impact
  • Safety

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

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