CTMA Project #: 140890

Problem: There is a tremendous amount of sustainment technology innovation occurring throughout the country and abroad. The issue at hand is there is a dire need to accelerate sustainment technology and innovation broadly. Technology innovation unfortunately is in silos throughout commercial industry and academia.

Benefit: The need to develop and incorporate new, but proven technologies, derived from commercial industry into DoD maintenance is one key element of a multi-pronged strategy to increase materiel readiness required by our military forces while substantially reducing costs. Innovation cannot be achieved without collaboration and bringing communities together.

Solution/Approach: The CTMA Technology Competition was designed to introduce new technologies to DoD’s maintenance facilities that will further enhance maintenance and sustainment within DoD. The goal of the CTMA Technology Competition is to draw out the best maintenance and sustainment technology ideas with industry, government, and academia at the broadest base. NCMS will issue a call for project ideas that demonstrate strong benefits not only to the DoD, but to industry as well. The Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) Principals will be leveraged to prioritize and rank the submittals. The six finalists will be down-selected and will be required to present their technology at the CTMA Annual Partners Meeting. The finalists will have 10 minutes to present. At the end of each presentation a senior leadership DoD panel (shark tank format) will provide questions to the finalists, then a winner will be chosen to advance their technology.

Quad Chart:

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improved readiness
  • Reduced costs
  • More focused efficient sustainment solutions

DOD Participation:

  • OSD L&MR
  • DoD Depots – TBD

Industry Participation:

  • Industry – TBD
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Enhanced inspection

Final Report