CTMA Project #: 140496

Problem: NAVAIR has identified the need for advanced test instrument interchangeability, and test program set(s) (TPS) interoperability to reduce TPS rehost costs.  This critical technology is needed for instruments within an ATE to be replaced by similar instrumentation, and/or allow TPSs to be executed on alternate ATE stations, with little impact to the existing ATE/TPS software components.

Benefit: The non-recurring engineering (NRE) technology developed and incorporated for this project will easily transfer to any manufacturing application which employs testing and verification of critical state-of-the-art components and the sub-systems, i.e. cables, circuit cards, etc., which support the overall product.  Implementation of this new technology into the manufacturing and repair industries’ process will provide tangible cost savings benefits, allowing decision makers the flexibility to explore new growth and expansion options, which were once believed unachievable due to restricted budgets.

Solution/Approach: Since the very successful demonstration of the software program used in the LM-STAR ATE for the Common ATE Project at NUWC Keyport, WA, AIDI has developed two significant technological advancements for the ConVEx® toolset; a legacy to modern test resource pre-allocator functionality and an automated Straight Wire Interface Test Adapter Designer.  With the deployment of ConVEx® now in several depot environments, there has been ongoing analysis to determine where further efficiencies can be accomplished to better automate the ConVEx® legacy to modern test application retarget process.  Current data shows that for typically complex test applications, ConVEx® practitioners can produce new test applications from legacy applications for their new test platform targets in 6 to 8 man-weeks.  This is a striking difference from a typical test application rewrite that could take anywhere from 6 to 12 man-months.  The goal for the new technology insertion would be to further reduce the transition process to 3 to 5 man-weeks.

Impact on Warfighter: This project directly supports DoD Directive 5000.01, in that investment strategies shall be postured to support not only today’s force, but also future forces beyond that; optimize total system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint.  Next generation application of the ConVEx® technology will support current and future requirements of the NAVAIR Facility in Lakehurst, NJ.  If applied to the Fleet-wide enterprise, substantial annual recurring savings for test equipment support is probable, as this technology will aid future iterations through the ability to quickly retarget applications when hardware upgrades become necessary due to age, obsolescence or efficiency issues.

Other developments and services realized during this project will not be unique to the U.S. Navy, as all achievements derived from this project will provide a minimum projected DoD (Cross Service) savings of $50M for every 1,000 TPSs requiring translation and integration.

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Navy (NAVAIR Lakehurst)
  • U.S. Navy (NUWC Keyport)

Industry Participation:

  • AIDI
  • NCMS

Final Report