CTMA Project #: 140976

Problem: The Naval Aviation Enterprise developed the Sustainment Vision 2020 to break down barriers across the varied specialized business processes and IT systems that have evolved over time. This improved interoperability of systems and processes allows for an optimization of resources at an enterprise level, and improved maintenance and sustainment decisions for the NAE, allies and industry partners. The SV2020 fosters the use of commercially available IT applications, systems and best practices where it is suitable within the NAE and integrates them with specialized IT systems and processes where military-unique circumstances dictate bespoke solutions with the ultimate intent of restoration and maintenance of flight-line readiness.

Benefit: Developing, testing, and evaluating synchronized data systems can offer a roadmap to efficiency, productivity, and cost savings to a myriad of US companies and organizations. Key leadership need to have this data and its translated inferences in order to make the right decisions for the growth and prosperity of the company. Having the foresight to know where funds and resources will need to be allocated, can translate into properly trained staff, productive equipment, streamlined supply chains, and efficient transportation solutions. SV2020 will transform Naval Aviation sustainment into an integrated, predictive, data-driven, globally-managed sustainment environment, utilizing an Industry 4.0 conceptual framework.

Solution/Approach: To integrate the NAE business activities that are critical to maintenance and sustainment, SV2020 will focus across seven (7) functional areas for analysis, application of specific software tools, and implementation within an interoperable environment. The functional areas are:

  • Capability and Capacity Planning
  • Financial Management
  • Global Maintenance Management
  • Supply Support
  • Workforce Proficiency
  • Services
  • Logistics and Engineering

NAE will work with industry participants on this project to implement the SV2020 solutions across these functional areas through establishment of a government-industry team focused on each functional area, and a leadership team to ensure interoperability of all pilot projects and developmental cross-fertilization.

This pilot will provide a benchmark for how to this and what toolsets effective and efficient sustainment operations and is envisioned to be a multi-year effort, with incremental capability achieved through the development and delivery of prototypes each year of the project.


Impact on Warfighter:

  • Increased asset readiness
  • Reduce costs
  • Optimize decision-making
  • Improve accuracy of FIAR
  • Improve interoperability with allies

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. Marine Corps
  • Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) Joint Program Office
  • U.S. Army (observers

Industry Participation:

  • Andromeda Systems Incorporated
  • Troika Solutions, LLC
  • Nexus Life Cycle Management, LLC
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Maintenance management improvement
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

Final Report