CTMA Project #: 140839

Problem:  Electrical signal path faults are present within the Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) and cause significant impact in maintenance time to identify and isolate. Such electrical problems negatively affect mission readiness rates. In addition to this, existing maintenance practice leads maintainers in an adverse reactionary attempt to quickly solve the problems by resorting to “swaptronics”. This is where non-faulty components and avionics assemblies are changed out and unnecessarily sent logistically into the government repair process. In addition, further time is spent in the use of two-wire handheld multi-meters and similar devices with limited capability to troubleshoot and isolate problems.

Benefit:  Many technology concepts are started with the DoD and evolve to the airlines. CTPs in use by commercial airlines foster proactive maintenance so that operators will experience less in flight fires, loss of assets due to cancelled flights, and costly delays that impact multiple aircraft and airlines.

Solution/Approach:  This initiative will refine and improve the Certification Test Protocols (CTPs) for broader industry use. Using the U.S. Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) as the test bed, the CTP will be updated and improved to include insulation testing and validated on key aircraft subsystems that have been identified as having high failure rates and where No-Fault Found (NFF) type determinations exist. The data collection characteristics of the test program software will be refined to collect standard data sets that can be quickly analyzed and evaluated to identify faulty electrical paths.

The U.S. Army 160th SOAR will provide the technical information necessary to develop a test strategy and ultimately a TPS. An Operational Test Program Set (OTPS) will be developed for this effort. The OTPS will include two test programs; one for the MH-60M and one for the UH-60M aircraft.

A Supplemental Instruction Guide (SIG) that assists the user in the hook up of the test will also be developed. These items will be integrated, verified and validated on the applicable aircraft supplied by the Army. The MH-60R and MH-60S test programs (previously delivered) will be updated to generate standard data sets for wire health and integrity analysis.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Improve sustainment and readiness of MH-60M and UH-60M aircraft
  • Reduce repair times
  • Reduce maintenance costs

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Navy (FRC East) H-60 R/S
  • U.S. Navy (NAVAIR) Peculiar Support Equipment
  • U.S. Navy (NAVAIR) Aircraft Wiring Systems
  • U.S. Army PEO Aviation (Redstone Arsenal) UF-60 A/L/M
  • U.S. Army Aviation Utility Helicopter PO
  • U.S. Army Aviation 160th SOAR(A) UH-60M
  • U.S. Army Aviation MH-60M
  • U.S. Army Aviation (TRADOC)
  • U.S. Army Aviation H-60
  • U.S. Army (Corpus Christi)

Industry Participation:

  • Law-Eclypse International
  • Hale-NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Positive environmental impact
  • Maintenance management improvement
  • Improved readiness
  • Reliability improvement

Focus Area:

  • Reliability improvement

Final Report