CTMA Project #: 140840

Problem: Utilizing the National Guard’s MARRS system as a demonstration test bed, industry and informed subject matter experts (SMEs) will be able to assess global ERP deployment strategies that could be readily transferable to industry with similar logistics requirements. The ability to assess the effectiveness of program/mission analysis, selection, manning, equipping, training, resourcing and educating of operations responsible for actual program/mission readiness will provide a better understanding that will ultimately increase efficiency and effectiveness for the DoD and industry at large.

Benefit: The desired outcome of the collaborative CTMA initiative is to provide documented processes and procedures for fluid transition from legacy data processes to modern global logistics management. Additionally, it will reduce industry and public software development investment for upgrades and across the ERP lifecycle.

Solution/Approach: Phase I effort remains underway and results have already demonstrated the validity of project objectives. Demonstrations at the general officer level have been extremely well received. Demonstrations at all user levels have also identified features and functions not included in the Phase I effort that would greatly increase the reach and utility of the solution, hence the need for a Phase II project. Building on the successes of Phase I, the Phase II objectives will focus on additional mission analysis and business planning processes including equipment needs with maintenance sustainment requirements:

  • Logistical planning tool for scenario support.
  • Equipment needs for known mission trends.
  • Commander Common Operating Picture enabler of visualization of readiness.
  • Mission Command Training support.
  • Additional user training for the new tools.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Shared data environment
  • Improve mission readiness

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Army National Guard (ARNG)
  • U.S. Army Reserve Command

Industry Participation:

  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Improved readiness

Focus Area:

  • Business processes/partnerships

Final Report