CTMA Project #: 142130

Problem: U.S. Army Project Directorate of Main Battle Tank Systems (PD MBTS), of the Program Executive Office of Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS), is developing a network connected Security Enhanced Maintenance Support Device (SE MSD) to support maintenance and condition-based maintenance (CBM) for the Abrams Family of Vehicle (FOV) Main Battle Tank platforms.  Robust cybersecurity protection is essential to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities to protect the SE MSD and the Abrams FOV platforms.

Benefit: The security technology used by the SE MSD can be transferred to commercial and automotive & transportation/mobility systems to provide the same high level of cybersecurity protection for their At-Vehicle/At-Platform portable maintenance support devices, providing privacy and security protections to end users.  

Solution/Approach: Phase III will build upon the successes of the work to date and finalize the expanded capabilities and incorporation of the security enhancements for the next generation of MSDs.  Using the Abrams FOV as a surrogate to industry these enhancements will be demonstrated on a larger sample set of fleet vehicles.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Increase safety and security 
  • Decrease costs 
  • Streamline maintenance processes 
  • Improve warfighter readiness 

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Army – Product Directorate Main Battle Tank Systems (PD MBTS) 
  • U.S. Army – Program Executive Office, Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS) 
  • U.S. Army – Program Executive Office, Combat Support & Combat Service Support (PEO CSCSS) 

Industry Participation:

  • Leonardo DRS, DRS Land Electronics
  • NCMS

Benefit Area(s):

  • Cost savings
  • Repair turn-around time
  • Maintenance avoidance and reliability
  • Obsolescence management and continued maintenance capability
  • Maintenance management improvement

Focus Area:

  • CBM+/Predictive Maintenance

Final Report