CTMA Project #: 140461

Problem: Many Army vehicles are currently unprepared to withstand the environments in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Post-breakdown structural analysis has conclusively shown that extreme temperatures in current combat environments have led to a significant number of these failures.

No capability currently exists to test roadwheels and tracks together.

Currently any system level test on both the track and roadwheels involves sending a tracked vehicle to Yuma Proving Grounds. Sending vehicles to the Proving Grounds, retrofitting then and then testing them, is a long and costly process.

Benefit: The Army will ultimately benefit from this Project by obtaining end products in field of track and roadwheel systems that are safer and more reliable.


  • Expand the Army’s capabilities to develop field-accurate vehicle models and to adequately predict in-field vehicle performance. The PST shall achieve this Objective by designing, fabricating, installing, and validating a Track Test Machine.

To achieve these objectives, the overall project will be conducted in two parallel phases:

  • Determine the design requirements of a Track Testing Machine in support of PMs and PEOs.
  • Fabricate and modify required hardware, and to assemble, debug, and calibrate the Track Testing Machine both inside and outside of the TACOM facilities.

Impact on Warfighter:

  • Increase soldier safety
  • Decrease O&S costs

DOD Participation:

  • U.S. Army (TARDEC)

Industry Participation:

  • Onodi Tool & Engineering
  • NCMS

Final Report