March 19, 2025

In a proactive effort to ensure the United States Navy maintains its leading edge in maritime training, NCMS is facilitating a strategic partnership between the Navy and a qualified industry leader. Specifically, NCMS is assisting the Navy in identifying a company with deep Visual display System (VDS) knowledge and expertise to rigorously review and analyze its legacy training system, Navigation Seamanship Shiphandling Trainers (NSST), and identify alternatives that will enable critical modernization and innovation.


The United States Surface Navy faces a critical need to modernize its Visual Display Systems (VDS) within its Navigation Seamanship Shiphandling Trainers (NSSTs) to maintain operational readiness in an era of rapidly advancing technology. Recognizing that current simulation capabilities must evolve to reflect the latest advancements in display technology and simulation software, the Navy requires a comprehensive analysis of alternatives that will enable the selection of an optimal solution at best value. This analysis will assess factors such as display resolution, refresh rate, field of view, and rendering performance, ensuring the chosen VDS effectively simulates complex maritime environments. To achieve this, strategic modernization efforts, including the capability to offer real-time consultations with industry experts, are essential. By leveraging specialized technical expertise in virtual and augmented reality, advanced sensor integration, and data analytics, the Navy aims to create a top-tier training environment that delivers realistic, immersive, and standardized training.

The Navy seeks a holistic approach that combines cutting-edge technology with real-time expert guidance, will ensure that personnel receive the most effective instruction, ultimately enhancing operational readiness, promoting interoperability, and strengthening national security.


The intent of this effort is to enable the selection of a Visual Display System (VDS) that can augment its Navigation Seamanship Shiphandling Trainers (NSSTs). Interested parties should submit a white paper response that does the following:

  1. Analyzes the goals, target audience, and desired functionality to identify the most suitable VDS.
  2. Understands the best display technology based on factors such as resolution, brightness, viewing angles, size, and interactivity.
  3. Plans the placement and arrangement of displays within a space, considering ergonomics and viewing angles.
  4. Assists in developing visually appealing and informative content that aligns with the intended messages.
  5. Connects displays with other systems, including but not limited to audio, control systems, and data sources.
  6. Ensures optimal display performance through regular calibration and technical support.

Submission Requirements

The White Paper response should comprise a pdf document with NO MORE than FOUR (4) pages, not including a cover page, using the format below.

  1. Describe the general approach to include phases to accomplish the objective
  2. Describe assumptions
  3. Provide a detailed approach to the objective
    • List of tasks
    • List of deliverables
      • Must include the provision of a CTMA final report
  1. Establish a high-level project schedule and estimated timing
  2. Describe a rough order of magnitude cost
    • A more detailed cost analysis will be expected later in the process
  3. Summarize a description of recent and relevant experience in accomplishing similar evaluations that used modeling and simulation tools and processes
  4. Provide URLs to corporate presentations including engineering, modeling and simulation, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing capabilities.


Responses are due on April 13, 2025. All submissions should be in the form of a PDF file that is titled: SourcesSought.NavyVDS.CompanyName; (ex. SourcesSought.NavyVDS.NCMS)

Evaluation Criteria

  • Technical Feasibility. How technically feasible is the proposed solution, given the present state of the technology? Solutions with a lower technological risk profile are favored.
  • Responsiveness. How responsive is the proposed solution? Solutions responsive to the problem identified, without creating new problems, are favored.
  • Viability. How viable is the proposed solution, given existing organizational and regulatory environments? Solutions compatible with existing DLA, DoD, and federal policies, processes, and procedures are favored.
  • Desirability. How desirable is the proposed solution to the eventual end-user? Solutions easily adaptable, useful, and implementable are favored.
  • Funding. Does funding reasonably exist to fund the proposed solution? Solutions with lower prices are favored.

Disclaimer and Other Legal Information

NCMS encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), including Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs).

Responding to a Sources Sought, RFI, or Survey does not guarantee that a CTMA Program initiative will result. By submitting a response, you are agreeing to allow NCMS to share your information with the United States government. All submissions containing proprietary information shall be marked accordingly.

Any industry or academia participant awarded a contract by a participating government sponsor pursuant to a Sources Sought, RFI, or Survey will be compensated, under the agreement, on a cost-reimbursable basis. Each project participant will be expected to share in the total project cost by contributing cash or in-kind resources.

Under the CTMA Program, the parties shall limit participation on the project to (1) U.S. citizens, (2) lawful permanent residents as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(20), (3) other protected individuals as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3), and (4) Canadian citizens (pursuant to the principles underlying the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement), if such participation will involve visual inspection of the Technology, Intellectual Property or Technical Information, or oral exchanges of information about the foregoing. We also require the project participants to furnish NCMS, upon request, with proof of the citizenship status of its personnel participating on the project, including (1) U.S. citizens; (2) legal permanent residents; and (3) foreign nationals who are not permanent residents. In instances where it is necessary to involve foreign national employees in the visual inspection of the Technology, Intellectual Property, or Technical Information, or oral exchanges of information about the foregoing, the parties will be required to furnish to NCMS proof of appropriate valid export license, or technical assistance agreement, or exemption from licensing requirements (e.g. Canadian exemption) to the extent required by the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) or the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”). A copy of such license or agreement shall be furnished to NCMS before any disclosure of information to such foreign person. In the event a party believes that the subject matter of the project agreement is not covered by ITAR, that party may request a written waiver of the requirements of foreign national provision in the CTMA Agreement, which may be granted if the NCMS contracting officer agrees that ITAR does not cover the subject matter.

These requirements also apply to individuals who have dual citizenship status.

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