NCMS Technology Briefs

Quarterly E-Report

NCMS Technology Briefs highlight NCMS’s cultivation and growth of innovative technologies. Through our management of government and industry collaborations, we’ve gained insights into novel approaches and best practices that can assist all companies to navigate the sometimes complex journey toward advancement. Based on the results of NCMS technology projects, the briefs show the applicability and usefulness of proven technical advances—all in an effort to speed adoption and eliminate duplication of effort. NCMS is pleased to share these insights to support US manufacturing competitiveness.

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  • Lightweighting for HMMWV

    To reduce the overall weight of ground vehicles, components traditionally made with steel and other heavy alloys must be replaced with lighter weight materials such as carbon fiber and polymer composites. Some longstanding barriers have before now prevented the use of one strong candidate for lightweighting—thermoplastic composites. However, an NCMS initiative has made progress on solving two of those issues: (1) improving the mechanical integrity of thermoplastic components at elevated temperatures, and (2) optimizing the manufacturing process for thermoplastic vehicle components.

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